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Curriculum Intent

When planning the curriculum at Bhylls Acre, our teachers always take into consideration children’s prior learning They provide where possible, first-hand experiences, allowing the children to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers.


We understand that a child’s ability to learn is based on gaining knowledge & building on learned knowledge; as well as the ability to use and apply any associated skills adeptly and competently. Therefore, our curriculum is designed to marry these key components to ensure progress and a greater depth of understanding that leads to sustained mastery.


Depth of learning is important – we do not narrow our curriculum – we ensure children receive a broad and balanced curriculum and ensure learning is relevant, exciting, aspirational and challenging. 


All National Curriculum subjects, within the curriculum are viewed as being equally important; but are underpinned by the understanding that basic literacy and numeracy competency is vital in all learning. English and Mathematics knowledge and skills have a high priority and where possible, we try to reinforce knowledge and skills across subjects.

Our REAL Curriculum is…

  • Relevant, research-based, reflective

  • Exciting, engaging, enquiry-led

  • Authentic, aspirational

  • Lively, for life-long learning

For further information about each subject, please click on the button above:

Curriculum Implementation

The aim of our curriculum is for Bhylls Acre pupils to have the skills to be successful, independent, motivated and resilient learners in preparation for the next stage of their education. 


Our curriculum gives children the opportunity to:

  • See clear links between different aspects of their learning

  • Experience the challenge and enjoyment of learning

  • Develop new skills through a variety of interesting contexts

  • Learn within a coherent and progressive framework

  • Understand the purpose and value of their learning and see its relevance to their past, present and future

  • Develop and demonstrate their creativity

  • Develop a rich and deep subject knowledge

  • Explore the breadth and depth of the national curriculum


Subject leaders have developed knowledge and skills organisers for each subject to ensure there is a clear progression of skills and to ensure the children make connections across a variety of subjects.


Class teachers plan the curriculum for their pupils using the knowledge and skills organisers and the children’s current knowledge and skills, so that real progress can be made and measured. Children’s prior knowledge is assessed at the outset and learning is planned accordingly. Knowledge is built upon and extended by enabling children to reflect on and evaluate their learning. Quizzing activities to consolidate learning and correct misconceptions are carried out on a weekly basis as well as end of unit assessments of long term acquisition of knowledge and skills.


Enrichment is provided throughout our curriculum by:


  • Using high quality resources in out and out of the classroom

  • Providing on and off-site subject related activities

  • Offering opportunities for children to learn outdoors

  • Developing partnerships with external providers that extend children’s opportunities for learning

  • Holding specialist curriculum days or weeks

  • Welcoming parents and carers to take part in children’s learning and experiences


Class teachers send out curriculum newsletters at the beginning of each half term, to provide parents/carers with information about the learning ahead.

Curriculum Impact

We measure the impact of our curriculum through:

  • Reflecting on the standards achieved against planned outcomes

  • Celebrating the learning at the end of each unit, where children demonstrate the knowledge they have gained

  • Assessing children’s knowledge and skills, using subject assessments at the end of each unit

  • Observing and talking to children whilst learning

  • Sampling children’s learning across the school

  • Pupil discussions with Senior Leaders about their learning

  • Termly tracking of standards across the curriculum

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