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PE & Sports Premium

Sport is an important part of school life at Bhylls Acre. It helps to raise children’s self-esteem, develop a sense of worth and raise the importance of being part of a team. The discipline demanded of the children in sport impacts on the good behaviour that is evident within the classroom and throughout school.


Sport Premium Funding is money that the Government has provided to schools to improve the quality of Sport and PE in schools. The funding in no way covers the cost of our additional sports provision at school but Governors rightly see the importance of sport in our school and subsidise the funding from school budget.


In 2016/2017 we were awarded the Sainsbury’s GOLD Sports Mark. This is something we have been awarded for 5 consecutive years now. This is a reward for the hard work and commitment to sport which is part of school life at Bhylls Acre.

Sporting achievement is celebrated at the end of each year where awards for sports boy and sports girl are awarded in each year group.


To find out details about our funding please click on the links below.

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