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Personal, Social and Health Education


At Bhylls Acre Primary School, we aim to promote healthy, independent and responsible members of society. We encourage all our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community through school councils, fundraising events, supporting nominated charities and involvement in community activities.


Our pupils follow lessons from the curriculum set by the PHSE Association. It enables us to develop pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding based on the three core themes of the programme of Study for PSHE education: health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world.


In addition, pupils are given opportunities to develop confidence, self-motivation and an understanding of their rights and responsibilities within our diverse society through class assemblies, extra curricula clubs, class discussions, and school council meetings.


It is our aim to prepare the children for life and work in modern Britain.


Relationship and Sex Education


Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) is statutory in all primary schools. This means that all children will learn about different types of relationships, diverse families, growing up, their bodies and puberty.


Our Relationships Education is fully inclusive to meet the needs of all our pupils and seamlessly integrated into our existing PSHE lessons. We cover the following objectives:

  • Being a good friend

  • Kind and unkind behaviours, including bullying

  • Teamwork and resolving disputes

  • Feelings we experience and how to discuss our feelings

  • Self-worth and self-respect

  • Important people in our lives

  • Consent and autonomy

  • Secrets and surprises

  • Growing up and physical and emotional changes to our bodies

  • Different families and relationships

  • How babies are made and how babies are born

  • Differences, similarities and stereotypes

  • Body image


We fully believe that all children should learn about these important life skills in an open, honest and safe environment as well as in an age-appropriate and engaging way. We encourage parents and carers to view our Relationships and Sex Education Policy and scheme of work, included here. We believe it is important to have a strong partnership with parents and carers. You will receive a letter prior to any RSE session. This will detail the day and content of the session and allow you to request to see any teaching resources used in school before the lesson is taught. We will also provide further reading or support for any parents and carers wishing to discuss the objectives taught with their children at home. Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child/children from RSE lessons, apart from coverage of the Science objectives which are outlined in the National Curriculum. The statutory content includes information on body parts, puberty and how the human body changes.


In order to keep pupils safe and effectively safeguarded, it is vital that they learn about puberty before it happens. “If pupils are kept ignorant of their human, physical and sexual rights… they are not being adequately safeguarded.” – Ofsted’s PSHE lead, Janet Palmer HMI. NHS advice states that puberty can begin as early as 8 for girls and 9 for boys, so we will begin to teach children about puberty in year 4 and revisit this in years 5 and 6.


We would urge any parents and carers considering withdrawing their child from these lessons to speak to their child’s class teacher or a member of the senior leadership team. Any children who are withdrawn from lessons will be provided with alternative provision in another learning space. 


If there is any part of the curriculum that you have concerns or queries about, please contact school to make arrangements to speak with a member of staff.

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